Hi Mike, They were very healthy and green until December. Top part of leaves started getting brown or rustic color. Then the brown color proceeded to the bottom. No frost here. Water a couple times per week. It gets very warm and dry even in winter. The temperature goes to 80 F even in winter, but it gets much cooler in winter. This is the first year to plant these bulbs. Started watering right after planting in fall. My custom soil mix. (Local DG, small portion of compost of Blue Ribbon and pumice) Kept them outdoor, gets sun light maybe less than 5 hours, getting longer this month. Size of pots are one gallon plastic and around 3-4 gallon size terra cotta pot. These answers will help you to figure why my Babiana turned sick. Makiko Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 12, 2015, at 4:03 PM, Michael Mace <michaelcmace@gmail.com> wrote: > > Makiko wrote: > >> They quickly germinated, however, leaves turned brownish color since > December. I got so disappointed. > They are getting worse and worse > > That's not good. They should be green and growing. > > Are the leaves dying back from the tips or from the base, or are they > turning brown all at once? And are all the leaves turning brown at the same > time, or are the older (larger) ones turning first? > > Possible causes: > > --Frost (unlikely since you're in SoCal). > --Soil is too waterlogged (not enough air circulating through it). > --Soil is too dry. > --Temperature is too warm. > > Some questions (sorry to ask so many, but this will help me diagnose what's > going on): > Are these first year seedlings or older bulbs? > When in the year did you start watering them? > What sort of soil do you have them in? > Are they indoors or outdoors? > How much sun do they get? > Are they in pots or in the ground? > If pots, how big are the pots? > And how often are you watering them? > > Thanks, > > Mike > San Jose, CA > > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > pbs@lists.ibiblio.org > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/list.php > http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/