Home Compost as alternative to Peat or Coir: pbs Digest, Vol 144, Issue 17

Erik Van Lennep erik@tepuidesign.com
Sun, 18 Jan 2015 22:38:56 PST
One thing I forgot to mention before, is that if you use compost or leaf
mould (irrespective of source) you probably want to sterilize it if it's
destined for sowing seeds in pots. In the ground it's not such an issue, at
least in my experience.

What Fred and Travis mentioned is true regarding methods and ingredients
for making compost. As I suggested before, there is a ton of good info out
there on the WEB, and you really need to adapt and adjust to your own
situation. Think of it as cooking, Lots of recipes, lots of possibilities,
lots of differing results.

I am not sure this thread should continue here however, as it is verging on
being off-topic :)


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