Narcissus minor 'Cedric Morris' - growing suggestions.

James Waddick
Sun, 04 Jan 2015 14:13:15 PST
> I am growing on a number of seedlings of the cross 'Cedric Morris' x 'Rijnveldt's Early Sensation', made by Malcolm Bradbury,
> John Grimshaw
Dear John , Mark and all,

	This is very interesting news. A few years ago I ordered ‘Cedric' from UK Nursery at a bit of a higher price, but following numerous recommendations esp from the late Jack Elliott ( incidentally a frequent contributor to this list).

	They grew slowly for the first couple of years. Eventually a small nursery friend requested some to add to his select list of offerings so I dug all I could spare. He promptly went out of business and the bulbs have never surfaced.

	Meanwhile they never really settled down again. Of course I believe they are somewhat marginal in my harsh climate, but I’d like any suggestions on how to encourage improved growth rate. Just frustrating as I’d love to have 2 or 3 times as many and share them widely since they are quite unique and choice.

	Any Narcissus advice for a growing these in a cold quite continental climate with a very alkaline pH in general. Extremes of heat and cold have not really seemed to hurt it in numerous years here. 
	I grow a good number of other Narc and loose very few. Most multiply well.		Help. 		Thanks		Jim W. 

> Quoting Mark BROWN <>:
>> I was wondering if anyone has done any hybridising using Narcissus minor 'Cedric Morris’.

James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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