While many bulbs are adapted for arid conditions, others such as many lilly species, Fritillarias camschatensis or davidii, Scilla non scripta, Galanthus species, Erethroniums, various epiphytes and summer growers.... demand a more moisture retentive compost Peter (UK) On 19 January 2015 at 13:02, Alberto <ezeizabotgard@hotmail.com> wrote: > Organic matter for bulbs is dangerous. Best results is when one increases > the mineral content of the mix. While compost can be fabulous in the garden > where all the micro flora and fauna is working at full throttle, in the > confined space of a pot invites trouble. > > Coir might work for climates like those of Leo or in Australia but in more > humid ones it will be very difficult to dry particularly in the open. >