Mid-Winter bloom in Missouri

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Mon, 26 Jan 2015 07:43:54 PST
Dear PBSers,

	I haven’t written to PBS in a while. Call it winter blahs, spring fever, what ever.  Here’s a short report.

	Last week we had a rare and excellent public slide program on the genus Narcissus by Jason Delaney, the bulb curator of the Missouri Botanic Garden. The audience was highly delighted by his program and illustrations.  Come back soon with more.

	Although we are having a ‘roller coaster’ winter with an early Nov temp of 6 F and numerous record highs and lows, we have two garden bulbs in flower. 

	Narcissus ‘Cedric Morris’ is always he first to bloom. At 4 in or so it needs some protection from rabbits. We have had this bloom any time from January to March depending on the temperatures.

	Also always the first of its kind, Galanthus elwesii monostictus. The upward facing buds emerge early, but depending on the temperature may take a few days to weeks to proceed to full pendant and open flowers. Although short in the winter, the flower scapes continue to grow before the flowers fade and may reach 6 to 8 inches in time. 

	I wouldn’t call either much of a show, but they both offer a hope of spring to come. And they encouraged me to clean up Irises unguiculares, cretensis and lazica for their early flowering too. I ‘raked’ away piled up leaves and garden debris form the base so light and warmth could penetrate.  Then perhaps a few crocus and surely spring will follow. 

	Wishful…		Jim W. 

James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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