Sam Caldwell's legacy

James Waddick
Sat, 31 Jan 2015 09:33:47 PST
Dear PBS ers,

	Many of you may be familiar with the name of Sam Caldwell an amateur gardener from the Nashville area. His work on Lycoris was published in old issues of Herbertia and its various alternate titles. He imported Lycoris bulbs from the Far East and these became the basis for names such as L. haywardii, sperryii, caldwellii and others. Unfortunately few of these bulbs were widly distrubted or seen by many outside a small circle. The identification of these bulbs, the species and the hybrids has been an abiding puzzle and curiosity. Mr. Caldwell passed away a number of years ago.

	I recently got a phone call from Mr. Caldwell’s nephew. He and his son, who lives at the late Mr. Caldwell’s previous ‘farm’, are wishing to make sense of piles of files, breeding records, catalogs, journals and books left behind.

	This may be the best oppportunity to decipher what is behind these names including a determination of their validity and occurrences.  I have contacted a very small numnber of associates that the nephew suggested to determine a way to handle this information.

	The nephew is not interested in commercial sales of bulbs at this time. Please do not inquire about how to purchase any materials. 

	I am very glad to see this as an opportunity to clarify Mr. Caldwell’s legacy and wish to share the news with PBS. 				Best		Jim W. 

James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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