Snail tossing...

Cynthia Mueller
Thu, 04 Sep 2014 17:14:11 PDT
I once moved to Galveston Texas and came back home after dark for the first time to see large dark dots all up and down the white stucco wall and gates...large land snails. I picked them off and tossed them into the street, where I thought they would meet death under the wheels of passing cars. The street was wide and not that well travelled, and they crept slowly back to safety and lived to rasp away my garden contents... This is an example of the adage, "Never give up - no matter how grim things appear to be." -Cynthia W Mueller

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> On Sep 3, 2014, at 7:20 PM, "David Ehrlich" <> wrote:
> I used to hurl snails from my second floor balcony onto the pavement below.  When they hit, typically the shell would bounce in one direction and its contents in another.
> Our drought seems to have had a more profound effect on them than I ever had.
> David E.
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