Galanthus 'Green Mountain'

Jim McKenney
Thu, 04 Sep 2014 12:52:52 PDT
Thanks for that, Mark.

I've gotten a private email which explains the 'Green Mountain' story. It's apparently in the pipeline awaiting release by a major bulb distributor here in the US. I'll leave it to him to take over when he sees fit. 

Despite the stranglehold on imported snowdrops we have in this country, there is no shortage of G. woronowii in the American trade.  I've bought some of these now and then, and all have turned out to deserve your term "weedy forms". They are my least favorite snowdrops. But those squat, broader leaf forms with larger flowers Mark describes - those are the ones we want!

Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where at this moment it's cooler in New Delhi than here. 

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