The items below have been donated by our members and friends to be shared. If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please email me PRIVATELY at: Include "SX 1" in the subject line. It is better to FORWARD this email to the above address rather than attempting to REPLY to it as your reply will probably go to the entire PBS list, and since my mail program will sort private replies ahead of replies to the list, this will cause your request to be processed later. As requests are filled first-come-first-served, replying to the list will reduce your chance of receiving items that are in short supply. You may request 1 or 2 packets of any item. Specify the quantity (1 or 2) and the item number. Please also include your shipping address. When you receive your seeds, you will find enclosed a statement of what you owe the PBS treasurer ($2.00 US per packet + shipping). Many of you are members of the PBS mailing list, which is free, but are not members of the Pacific Bulb Society which has a yearly membership charge. ONLY PBS MEMBERS MAY PARTICIPATE IN THIS SX. If you are not a member, please consider joining so that you can participate in future offers such as this one. Go to: for membership information. Thank you to all of our generous donors! Note: this is my first time fulfilling an SX, and I am not Dell - please bear with me as I get everything sorted out. Steve ITEM # ITEM NAME DONOR 101 Albuca shawii UU 102 Albuca sp., tall, white, evergreen UU 103 Allium cernuum, 'Hidcote' UU 104 Allium rubrovittatum JM 105 Allium sp., ex Chiapas NN 106 Androcymbium dregei RH 107 Aristea ecklonii JL 108 Bowiea nana RH 109 Calydorea amabilis NN 110 Calydorea xiphioides NN 111 Canna paniculata ? UU 112 Crocus tournefortii JM 113 Cyclamen africanum, silver center RH 114 Cyclamen cilicicum, 'Album' JM 115 Cyclamen cyprium JM 116 Cyclamen rohlfsianum RH 117 Cypella herbertii NP 118 Cyrtanthus brachyscyphus NN 119 Cyrtanthus breviflorus NN 120 Daubenya alba* RH 121 Daubenya stylosa* RH 122 Dracunculus canariensis UU 123 Ferraria divaricata ex Telos KC 124 Freesia, mixed, OP KC 125 Fritillaria biflora x purdyi JM 126 Fritillaria obliqua JM 127 Gladiolus dalenii NN 128 Gladiolus 'Eno Orange' (G. dalenii) NP 129 Gloriosa (Littonia modesta) NN 130 Habranthus sp., 'Cherry Pink' PS 131 Habranthus texanus TE 132 Habranthus tubispathus NN 133 Habranthus tubispathus PS 134 Habranthus tubispathus, OP, ex BX 355 KC 135 Herbertia lahue NN 136 Herbertia tigrioides NN 137 Hippeastrum blossfeldiae NN 138 Hippeastrum hyb. Small, pink, fragrant UU 139 Hippeastrum 'Minerva' x 'Black Pearl' KC 140 Hippeastrum striatum NN 141 Ipomoea sp. blue, mid-sized flowers, tuberous UU 142 Lachenalia latifolia* RH 143 Lilium formosanum, short, ex Taiwan JL 144 Lilium humboldtii NN 145 Massonia hirsuta, NNBH812-2 RH 146 Massonia pustulata, pruple leaves RH 147 Massonia sp. *Massonia jasminiflora, Winberg* RH 148 Massonia sp., IBS 97-142 RH 149 Ornithogalum (Galtonia) viridilorum NN 150 Ornithogalum fimbrimarginatum, HBG118287 KC 151 Ornithogalum magnum UU 152 Ornithogalum regale NN 153 Orthrosanthus chimboracensis NN 154 Othonna perfoliata RH 155 Phaedranassa cinerea DB 156 Phalocallis coelestis JL 157 Polyxena longituba* RH 158 Polyxena odorata RH 159 Polyxena pygmaea, Karas RH 160 Rhadamanthus (Drimia) sp. aff. Platyphyllus RH 161 Rhadamanthus platyphyllus, ex Hammer* RH 162 Romulea minutiflora* RH 163 Sprekelia formosissima NN 164 Tigridia multiflora NN 165 Tulbaghia acutiloba NN 166 Tulbaghia acutiloba, Devon NN 167 Tulbaghia galpinii NN 168 Tulipa sprengeri JM 169 Zephyranthes primulina UU "*"seeds which were harvested more than one year ago *DONOR CODES:* DB = Dave Boucher KC = Karl Church TE = Tim Eck RH = Roy Herold JL= Jonathan Lubar JM = Jane McGary NN = Nhu Nguyen NP = Nick Plummer PS= Pamela Slate UU = Uli Urban