2015 South Africa Trip
Hans Huizing (Wed, 28 May 2014 01:38:47 PDT)
Hello Jim,
It completely depends on were you intend to go and what you want to see.
The best time, very general, is November, December, January, February.
I did a tour through the East Cape Province with Cameron McMaster in
February 2010.
He knows the East Cape very well and brings you to places, you normally
would never visit.
The result is that you will see an enormous amount of plants and landscapes.
I came home with more than 4.000 pictures of flowering plants, mainly bulbs!
Going there for the first time on your own will never give these results!
For more detailed information use my Email address; hanshuizing@home.nl
Hans Huizing
Jim Foster schreef op 28-5-2014 1:34:
Hello members,
Being a new comer to the group I was amazed at you wiki site. What a
wealth of information. It even prompted me to add more bulbs to my
collection given that I can now find out a bit about them and their
I have even gone so far as to begin planning to South Africa next year
to see just what remarkable things are there. I do not plan to travel
with a group because I like to move about on my timeline rather than
the group's. Since many of you have already made this trek I am
interested in hearing what advice you may give me regarding such an
adventure. Time of year, how to best get about, places to stay,
special places to see; those kind of things that makes it easy to cram
as much into the trip as possible.
No need to clog the newsletter with that kind of information so feel
free to contact me at fosterjpatcox.net.
Thank you in advance for whatever you offer,
Jim Foster
Santa Barbara
pbs mailing list
*H. J. Huizing*
Wapendrager 38
7943 RP Meppel
Holland //
Tel: (0031) 0522-440717
*Loving plants is not a virus. It's a highly evolved state of being.*
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