Fernando asked about this plant. Your 5-year-old seedlings might flower this season, so don't repot now. Irids generally abandon the old corm as they grow. They form a new corm each year after a period of growth. If disturbed in growth before the new corm is formed, they may die. So it is best not to transplant irids in growth, but only during full dormancy. I have dropped containers of Moraea and Babiana in growth, and successfully repotted them, but it set them back. Some irids form flowers after making new growth. I suspect Babiana is like this. Transplanting in growth may prevent flowering that season. For Babiana, I would use the largest and deepest container you wish to handle. They will grow and multiply faster in larger containers. Transplant when fully dormant. Use a mineral and sand-based mix with little organic matter. Plant bulbs only 3-4cm deep. They will pull themselves down to the bottom of the container when they grow. If you plant them too deeply, however, they may not find the surface ans may not survive. Each season new growth follows the old, dead leaves to the surface, so don't pull dead Babiana leaves in the spring - cut them with a scissors at ground level. If you intend to repot while dormant, don't cut off the leaves. Use them as handles. If you set some irid bulbs with leaves at an angle in the new pot, not completely upright, the new growth will thence emerge at the same angle, since new growth follows the old leaves. This happens with my Babiana sinuata. If your climate has dry air in the winter, like mine, you can keep Babiana very moist or wet in the winter. I have never had fungus problems with any bulbs. People along the west coast of North America, where there is much more humidity, report Babiana rot if kept too moist. I have not been to Africa, but a member of our local cactus society, who has visited the winter-rainfall areas of South Africa, reports seeing Babiana growing in water in ditches beside the road. Leo Martin Zone 9? Phoenix Arizona USA