Shmuel wrote: >> Romulea sabulosa I have 6 bulbs. Moraea aristata -… recommends a 30cm pot, but does not say how many bulbs in it. I think this is one of those "it depends" issues. In this case, it depends on how often you want to repot your bulbs. I repot every two years, and am constantly trying to find ways to go longer between repotting (because it's so much work). The longer you wait between repottings, the more space you have to give to the bulbs when you start them. Moraea aristata offsets very vigorously. When happy, it can produce one to three offsets (via stolons) per bulb per year. So if you start with four corms and make them happy you'll have as many as 16 the next year, and over 50 the following year. In reality this doesn't happen because the offsetting process slows down as the pot gets crowded, but the general effect is that within three years your pot will be full of corms and the rate of blooming will drop off dramatically. Or anyway, that's what happens to me. So, back to your question, I find that using a 20cm (8-inch) pot, the maximum number of M. aristata per pot is about 5 to 6. Any more and you may inhibit blooming in the first year and definitely will the second. (They do fine in 20-cm pots, by the way. They do not grow particularly deep.) Some Romuleas, like R. sabulosa, tolerate more crowding. But they offset rapidly in tight clusters, and if you don't separate the clusters they start to (in my experience) die in the middle and flowering drops off. So again I'd start with about 5-6 in a 20-cm pot and plan on repotting every two years to three years. Good luck! And please let us know what works for you. Mike San Jose, CA