I've been saving closeups of dissected flowers to demonstrate key features for id and future reference. Dichelostemma congesta <http://flic.kr/p/c8u2sb/> <http://flic.kr/p/c8u3YU/> Triteleia laxa <http://flic.kr/p/c8u25S/> <http://flic.kr/p/c8u8oh/> A beautiful checker lily in natural understory habitat of eastern Washington ponderosa pine forest. http://flic.kr/p/c8u8oh/ A Camassia quamash strain I ran across near Satus Pass, Eastern Washington with striking yellow stamens. Ours in western Washington has pale blue stamens http://flic.kr/p/c8zfx5/ Taken with Canon Powershot SX30 IS, just now appreciating it's manual, closeup photography Rich H Bellingham