Dierama with 10 petals

Gastil marygastil@yahoo.com
Wed, 23 May 2012 08:10:32 PDT
Has anyone seen Dierama bloom with 10 petals instead of the usual 6? 


Only one flower on one stalk has 10 petals.  Not "double", just more flared out. Until I uploaded the photos I did not notice that one other flower has more than 6.  I do not know the species and these are from 2nd generation seed from seed originally from volunteer plants outside the UCSB greenhouse.  There is some variation in these pink Dierama, some with darker pink stripes, some less widely flaring.  But this is the first variation in petal count I have observed.  These pink ones are only half the height of my white ones and bloom a month later.

- Gastil

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