Very nice! Alani On May 23, 2012 12:51 AM, "Jacob Knecht" <> wrote: > > > Hi, > > My partner Nhu Nguyen and I wanted to share this happy event with other > bulb aficionados: > > This rare desert gem opened it's flower a few hours ago and is currently > emitting a powerful, fresh, pleasant scent, not unlike that of Brugmansia > suaveolens. The flower will close by tomorrow morning. There is a slight > chance it may try to re-open the following night, but in my experience this > species' 2nd showing is not as spectacular with a weaker form and > fragrance. This is the third consecutive blooming from this bulb in three > years. What a treat! > > Crinum minimum is the smallest Crinum species in South Africa and is at > least one of the smallest in the world. I actually think that it is indeed > the smallest, but if there is one smaller I hope someone will point it out > to me. Leaves 6-10cm long and 1-2mm wide with entire margins emerge from > this petite bulb. This species has singular adaptations, entirely unique > among SA Crinum. It inhabits hot and dry places that have prolonged > droughts where the only rain arrives via erratic thunderstorms which can > occur from Oct to April (Northwest Province). The leaves behave in the > manner of Ammocharis coranica, dying back if it is too dry but returning > in the same season when more water is available. Also this species will > remain completely dormant and never grow leaves unless rainfall is > sufficient, skipping consecutive years.¹ > > ¹Craib C. 1997. Crinum minimum: One of South Africa's Most Unusual Bulbous > Plants. Herbertia 52: 101-108. > > Check out these pictures, taken moments ago: >… >… > > To keep up with my botanical blogging, bookmark my flickr :) I also just > started a tumblr <> for those who are into > that. > > Aloha, > > Jacob > Berkeley, California > > > __._,_.___ > > > Your email settings: Individual Email|Traditional > Change settings via the Web<…>(Yahoo! ID required) > Change settings via email: Switch delivery to Daily Digest<>| Switch > to Fully Featured<> > Visit Your Group > <…>| Yahoo! > Groups Terms of Use <> | Unsubscribe > <> > > __,_._,___