Like Mary Sue Ittner mentioned, Liquid Fence is a great option. I have had tremendous success with it. Monthly applications work for me, rain or not. That application frequency is about four weeks apart and it lasts that long to be effective. And like she mentioned about her dog liking the dogs love it. I have to be careful because when it is fresh they want to roll in it and, of course, will roll on the plants I'm spraying! It also has worked for me for rabbits and spraying my bird feeder to keep the squirrels at bay. I have used it on some of my succulent plants, especially Ceropegia spp., to help prevent the squirrels from eating them. Liquid Fence works but stinks! A friend of mine spilled some in her car trunk. Even with cleaning the odor lasted for months as it was in the fabric. If you get it on your hands the odor lingers for only a few hours. I've not had any success with all the other old wives tales. I even tried blood meal and Milorganite with no success. And no success with the hose-end devices that turn on automatically due to a motion sensor. And, when one lives in the country, coyote and fox urine don't bother the deer at all. The deer - and squirrels - are in outrageous numbers around here. There needs to be more culls. Good Luck. --Jerry Lehmann Olathe, KS - right across the street from Ernie Miller Nature Center - the local deer epicenter