Hymenocallis tubiflora is flowering for the first time for me, although I've had the bulb long enough that its container is full of offsets. This plant spends winter in the house and the rest of the year on the back porch. It seems happiest with bright light, without too much direct sunlight, and plenty of moisture. I've been told the trick for getting it to flower is to keep it on the dry side for a month or two in late spring. That's what I did this year and the scape emerged about two weeks after I resumed watering it generously. https://picasaweb.google.com/Jay.Yourch/… https://picasaweb.google.com/Jay.Yourch/… Lycoris squamigera reliably flowers, without foliage, in the garden this time of year. It's easy to grow and flower, but the bulbs flower more heavily and multiply faster where their roots stay moist throughout the year. https://picasaweb.google.com/Jay.Yourch/… Regards, Jay Raleigh, North Carolina Zone 7b