My main experience with American geophytic Delphinium species is with Delphinium luteum and D. nelsonii. Both of them settled down well in my old bulb frames and seeded around. I was able to bring D. luteum over to the new garden in some pots and also in some discarded bulb soil that had seeds in it. and it flowered well on the slope here this spring where I have the beginning of a rock garden devoted to non-fussy plants. I've tried to share this species with others (it's endangered in the wild, but I got the original seeds from the Robinetts many years ago, quite legitimately) by giving them dormant roots. However, this didn't work out well. I think it's better to grow new plants from seed and not disturb them unnecessariily. My new project here is building a tufa rock garden. I bought enough tufa (water-deposited calcium carbonate rock) to make one large bed and one smaller one. The large bed will be a typical "crevice" garden for lime-tolerant shrubs and perennials, with a very gritty underlying soil, but for the smaller one I think I'll try to imitate a rocky pavement with a more retentive soil and have a lot of bulbs from limestone areas on it. I may have to bring the "dirt" for it from my former home -- still for sale (Anybody want ten acres? With bulbs in it?) -- because the native soil here is excessively dense clay. I've visited limestome areas in the Mediterranean so I have an idea what grows there, but if anyone has experience planting geophytes on a tufa garden, I'd like to hear about it. Jane McGary Portland, Oregon, USA