Yellow Sisyrinchium?

Alani Davis
Wed, 21 Apr 2010 06:37:08 PDT
Just an FYI on taxonomy. Sisyrinchium exile is the same as S. rosulatum to
which it is now considered a synonym. I learned it as S. exile too but it
has been change. Most of ones I have in my yard are very pale blue to to
cream with a bluish eye. I wish I had a nice lemon yellow form! :)


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 11:14 PM, Eugene Zielinski <>wrote:

> Another possibility is Sisyrinchium exile.  It too is an annual species,
> introduced from South America.  It is a short plant, and the yellow flowers
> have brown markings toward the center.
> Currently it appears that I have a lot of pale yellow S. rosulatum in my
> lawn.  In a few weeks I'll have a similar (or the same?) species blooming
> with pale blue flowers.
> Eugene Zielinski
> Augusta, GA

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