mealy bug eradication

Mark Mazer
Sun, 08 Feb 2009 09:16:58 PST

>I'm also wondering though if I should go ahead and do everything? 

> There are some other asst'd bulbs also that don't seem affected.  I would hate to
>do all this work and have them come back just because I got lazy and didn't do a couple of seemingly unaffected plants.
>Any thoughts, ideas, tips?  Malathion is about the strongest chemical I can find in Canada and it appears to work

Can you obtain imadocloprid in Canada?

I would treat everthing in your greenhouse or potted plant collection, except ferns, orchids and edibles, with imadocloprid as a soil drench, twice, 3 months apart.  Works like a charm and has eliminated mealybugs here. It's what I did prior to a phyto inspection before moving my plant collection to North Carolina and continue the regime here yearly.

Mark Mazer
Hertford, North Carolina, USA

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