mealy bug eradication

Dell Sherk
Sun, 08 Feb 2009 09:04:55 PST

The  systemic imidacloprid (Bayer) is very effective against mealies. I
don't know if you can get it in Canada.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Linda Foulis
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 12:00 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society (E-mail)
Subject: [pbs] mealy bug eradication

Hello All,
I'm finally taking a stand against the mealy bugs persisting on some of my
plants!  I've unpotted all of the clivia, thrown out the
dirt, given the plants a good malathion bath and will either repot in fresh
dirt or figure out a way to keep them going out of dirt
until I move.  The hippeastrums are next, I'm wondering if I should give
them a good soak or just a short dip in the bath?  These
are the only two that seem affected by the mealy bugs.

I'm also wondering though if I should go ahead and do everything?  Albuca,
cyrtanthus, some lilies (wintering inside), veltheimia,
oxalis (all blooming right now, and don't want to disturb them but...) The
mealies lay their eggs in the soil right?  Would they lay
eggs in soil of plants they don't seem to affect?  There are some other
asst'd bulbs also that don't seem affected.  I would hate to
do all this work and have them come back just because I got lazy and didn't
do a couple of seemingly unaffected plants.

Any thoughts, ideas, tips?  Malathion is about the strongest chemical I can
find in Canada and it appears to work but again I think
it's because of the dirt that I'm not able to totally get rid of them.  I've
tried Avid and it also appears to work but is much too
expensive to attempt a good bath for the bulbs with.

Linda Foulis
Okotoks, AB  Canada

Above zero again today and the snow is melting fast.

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