
Pamela Slate
Mon, 24 Nov 2008 12:12:58 PST
I've spoken with our Supersoil distributor several times over the last couple
years about the ownership change and overall quality decline of the product.
When Scott bought it, they moved their main location to a place here called
Maricopa, the original formula was supposed to be used but wasn't and all kinds
of detritus ended up in the bags, including mushrooms and big "chunks of
things."  Customers were so unhappy that some discontinued doing business
altogether with the distributor.  Scott decided to clean up its act and started
using the original formula - when they changed bags to the lighter tan ones.  So
I'm told if you see the old dark brown bags in garden stores, pass.  According
to our distributor, the new product is the old product and he has had no further


From this same distributor, I get a bale of Sunshine Mix and add at least 30%
pumice and sometimes loamy sand and sometimes compost, depending.  It contains
some peat but works beautifully and drainage couldn't be better.  I think SM #2
is a bit better for bulbs.  Big shipping $$, however, if your local nurseries
don't stock it.  And I know pumice is not always easy to come by either.


Nice points about sand, Dylan.




Pamela Slate

P.O. Box 5134

Carefree  AZ  85377


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