
Liz Waterman lizwat@earthlink.net
Sun, 23 Nov 2008 20:47:34 PST
Oca seems to be a once a year crop sort of like potatoes and can be 
harvested after the tops die down.  They keep for 2 or more months in 
the ground or as song as it takes them to sprout again.  I've heard they 
taste better if allowed to sit in the sun a few days before eating.  
There doesn't seem to be much sun when they are harvested.  You can 
learn more by reading a section in "Lost Crops of the Incas" online.   
Oca: http://books.nap.edu/openbook.php/…
It's a fun book to read.
CRFG(California Rare Fruit Growers) may have an information sheet.  They 
aren't in the market now but may show up next month.

James Waddick wrote:
> Friends,
> 	I was surprised that it wasn't pictured in the PBS wiki. I 
> guess the plants are less than ornamental.
> 	From Google images, there seem to be a range of tuber colors 
> and shapes. Are these really all the same species?
> 	Apparently a New Zealand  cv called 'Red' or "Pink" Oca has 
> close to round tubers and a waxy shine to them. Seems to be a 
> dominant edible cv.  Is this true.
> 	Other forms are rounded ovals, pointed 'carrot' shapes and in 
> colors including yellow, orange and tan.
> 	I wonder how much variety there is in the plants from these 
> different tubers.
> 	Liz, is Oca a year round crop or more seasonal?
> 		Thanks all.		Jim W.

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