Thanks to Jane and Harold for identifying the photos in Jane's article correctly. I try to catch typographical errors, but apologize for missing that one. I really appreciate Jane, Leo and Robin who wrote the articles in this issue, and all the authors who have volunteered or yielded to my coaxing in previous issues. PBS couldn't publish any periodical without these lovely folks! And while I am at it, I want to tell you that my co-editor, Jennifer Hildebrand is a worker of magic and deserves all of the credit for the new look of 'The Bulb Garden' . She takes the edited articles and performs wonders with the layout tasks. We did not put the membership directory together (I'm not sure how many fingers were in that), but I know Jen performed the final time-consuming edit. Last, but not least, thanks to Arnold for handling the printing and distribution of all of our publications. This is a tedious task requiring trips to the post office with boxes of packets. If you enjoyed this issue, please be sure to renew your membership so you don't miss the winter issue. The pages are filling up with more interesting articles for your pleasure. And if you have any concerns, preferences, suggestions, please do write me privately. Marguerite