Late October and most of November are the busiest time of the gardening year for me, and as a result I have not had the time to respond to several of the interesting threads now running. The Oxalis thread – and the growing number of Oxalis images on the wiki – are a real pleasure. Thanks so much to everyone taking the time to do this. I grow two horticultural groups of Oxalis here: the winter dormant sorts (these are mostly from Mexico I gather) and a pathetic two southern African winter growing sorts, O. purpurea ‘Garnet’ and O. ‘Ken Aslet’. These two winter growing forms grow in the ground in a protected cold frame and have been outside year ‘round for several years. Oxalis purpurea ‘Garnet’ always begins growth with green foliage here; the intense color does not come until later. It blooms here, but not freely. ‘Ken Aslet’ has never bloomed here. Out in the garden there is also O. articulata in white-flowered and pink-flowered forms. Last summer this was blooming when I brought home pots of an unnamed Sisyrinchium: I put them together for a photo and they harmonize nicely. You can see them here:… I have several of the presumably Mexican summer growing Oxalis; these do very well here as pot plants and escapees sometimes survive the winter in the ground. Earlier this week I began to dig these Mexican sorts for storage indoors during the winter. I’ve been meaning to post an image of the summer storage roots these have, but these roots don’t last long and in the past they have been gone by the time I got around to trying to photograph them. This year I got them, so I’ve added an image of the odd icicle-radish-like structures which form beneath the bulb clusters of Oxalis lasiandra. These are also seen in O. tetraphylla/deppei. The first time I saw these I assumed that they were storage roots which would persist during dormancy. But in fact a few days after the bulbs are dug they fall off or deliquesce. They are not firmly attached to the bulb clusters and are easily detached in rough digging. These bright white roots look very sapid to me: does anyone know if they are edible? Take a look here:… Jim McKenney Montgomery County, Maryland, USA, 39.03871º North, 77.09829º West, USDA zone 7, where Crocus hermoneus is blooming now. My Virtual Maryland Garden BLOG! Webmaster Potomac Valley Chapter, NARGS Editor PVC Bulletin Webmaster Potomac Lily Society