I have to comment on the recommendation for starting Tecophilaea seeds in Supersoil. I used to use Supersoil, and it was a great product, steam sterilized and mostly finely ground fir bark. Good stuff. Then the company was bought and everything changed. It is no longer sterilized, and I won't say what it looks like, since I don't want to get sued. It sure doesn't look like ground fir bark. I don't use it any more and I would never recommend it, even for mature bulbs. For seed starting I now use a seed starting mix from McConkey. It is very finely ground peat moss with some vermiculite and perlite, plus a wetting agent and some dolomite to adjust the pH. I add more perlite, since for some species it is a bit too moisture retentive. It is very expensive, especially with shipping. For small batches of seed you can make your own seed starting mix by buying sphagnum peat moss and grinding it in a food processor or blender. You can add a wetting agent, although it's not really necessary for small pots, plus about 30% perlite for bulb seeds, and about a quarter teaspoon of dolomitic lime for a quart of mix to adjust the pH. The mix will be sterile, very important if you are sowing precious seed like Tecophialaea. Diana Telos Rare Bulbs http://www.telosrarebulbs.com/ http://www.thebulbmaven.typepad.com/