This spring a great horned owl had a nest across the creek that parallels the road I live on. Very visible before the trees leafed out. Apparently they utilize old heron nests. If you go here May 2008 <> and scroll down to Hooters there are some images. Red tail hawks are common, both black and turkey vultures also common. Turkeys fewer than in the past - probably coyotes predating on the poults. Linc Foster, doyen of rock gardeners, used to curse the turkeys at his place in Falls Village, Connecticut. They'd take dust baths, he said, and the results were like a tank trap. Having seen what my hens would do, back when we kept chickens, I can well imagine. But the best here in New Jersey was the day I took a path through my woods towards the road, came out by the compost heap - and there was a peacock, nibbling a flower here, a leaf there . . . He had come visiting from a neighbor about half mile up the road. Didn't know how well they can fly. Didn't know I'd be seeing one in my garden either. Judy in New Jersey where we're enjoying one of those rare and perfect June days and ruby throat hummingbirds are visiting my nectaroscordum.