FW: Glads from Georgia

Dell Sherk dells@voicenet.com
Tue, 06 Mar 2007 10:35:13 PST
Hmmm. Maybe species names like "byzantinus" and "italicus" should have been
a tip off.

I still would like to know how they got there and if there are still any
species in between, geographically.


-----Original Message-----
From: Dell Sherk [mailto:dells@voicenet.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 06, 2007 1:15 PM
To: 'Pacific Bulb Society'
Subject: RE: [pbs] Glads from Georgia

Boyce wrote:
"We have some wild collected Gladiolus taxa from Republic of Georgia but
the corms (from seed) have not gotten large enough to test them
outdoors. Then, of course, we have a bumper crop of chipmunks that seen
to prefer bulbs of know wild origin - which is another reason they
haven't gone out yet."

I am amazed to find out that there are Gladiolus spp native to Rep of
Georgia. I don't remember your telling us about them in your presentation in
Chicago on Georgian flora, but I miss a lot. I'll have to do some
investigation. I am aware that some irids (romulea, e.g.) have species
native to South Africa and again to the Mediterranean area. But there are no
longer, I think, any romuleas in between. Georgia is a long way from South
Africa. Are there any gladiolus species native to areas in between? I think
this subject of bio-geography, or whatever it's called, is fascinating. It
reveals hints about climate changes and continental drift.

 in SE PA where we are having a nasty, cold and windy day, though it is
sunny. March sure did come in like a lion this year. Crocus ancyrensis,
chrysanthus cvs, and some others, Eranthis hyemalis, and Galanthus elwesii
are in bloom but not happy. Où sont les neiges d'antan?



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