First flowers of the New Year

Jay Yourch
Mon, 01 Jan 2007 12:12:59 PST
Hi all,

The first bulbs to bloom here in my central North Carolina garden on New 
Year's Day are Narcissus 'Rijnveld's Early Sensation'.  These were also my 
first bulbs to bloom this winter because they started blooming before the 
solstice.  I took a photo and uploaded it to the wiki a few days ago.  If 
you are interested in taking a look, here's a link:…

I also saw my first snowdrops (Galanthus elwesii) and first snowflakes (L. 
vernum I think) today, but these are just getting started and are not making 
much of a display yet.  Another early bloomer (a small tree, not a bulb) in 
the garden now making a very pretty display is Prunus mume 'Peggy Clarke' 
with small, but abundant, rich pink, semi-double flowers lining the 
otherwise bare branches.

What else is blooming out there this winter, or summer, for those of you 
gardening in the southern hemisphere?



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