Manfreda virginica re-re-re-visited

Dennis Kramb
Sun, 01 Oct 2006 07:41:46 PDT
Someone once asked me to share a pic of my M. virginica, but I never 
managed to get one taken while it was in bloom.  Now the seedpods are 
nearly ripened, and I finally got a pic.

I'm over 6 ft. tall.  This bloomstalk must be almost 8 ft.  There are 
only 4 seed pods, in spite of 50+ flowers.  All seeds will get 
donated to Dell, soon.…

Can any of your keen eyes identify the plants behind me at the corner 
of the house ?   It's foliage only, but let's see how good you folks 
are!  :-)  There are 5 geophytes visible, and 1 
non-geophyte.  (Please ignore the weeds encroaching in on the shot 
from the other side of the photo.  And ignore the dandelion in the 
bottom-left.  LOL.)

Dennis in Cincinnati

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