Scilla bifolia, etc
JohnCrellin (Fri, 24 Mar 2006 07:27:34 PST)

It's certainly a distinct species in my "Bible" on these matters - Stace,
New Flora of the British Isles. It's an introduction here in the UK and pops
up in my garden without help from me (or anyone in the 16 years we've been
here) but never gets to be a carpet - and in fact the flowers are very
short-lived with me.

That is assuming I have it Ided right -

Happy to upload to Wiki but not sure I have rights to ?

Reply / forward from John Crellin the new bit of

-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Mary Sue Ittner
Sent: 24 March 2006 15:10
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: Re: [pbs] Scilla bifolia, etc


So is one of you who grows Scilla bifolia going to add it to the wiki since
it obviously seems to be a plant that has many fans? And how about Scilla
mischtschenkoana? We also could make a page for Chinodoxa if people had
pictures of it to add? Do people still consider it to be a distinct genus?
Do most of these need cold winter temperatures to thrive and summer water?

Mary Sue

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