Dear All: We had a discussion not long ago about germinating Tropaeolum seed. It has a reputation for being difficult, and I, myself have had difficulties in the past. I have a very nice collection of about ten species, most of which I grew from seed from Watson & Flores. Their seed germinated just fine - why didn't mine? I figured that the difference could be that my seed was stored in cool conditions. I don't refrigerate it, but it had been kept in a room that never goes above 60F. This year I left the seed it its containers in the greenhouse where temperatures routinely went above 100F on sunny days, and usually reached about 80F on foggy/cloudy days. It was stored in open containers out of direct sun. Then, about six weeks ago I soaked the seed for 48 hours with a tiny dab of dish detergent to break the surface tension. After 48 hours I could dent the seed coat with a fingernail, so I decided that was enough for water to penetrate the seed coat. I then sowed the seed in damp vermiculite in plastic zip-lock bags in the refrigerator. I am very happy to say that so far I have got about 50% germination on all species. I expect more to germinate. This is so far better than any of my experience in the past. I have tried soaking, soaking in giberellic acid and sowing in the refrigerator before, with modest success, but nothing like this. From this I would conclude that the seed needs a conditioning period at warm temperatures after it has ripened. There are other seeds out there that need this also, and it doesn't have to be when the seed is sown, but can be during dry storage. We often store seed in the refrigerator, and for many, this is the best thing, but for Tropaeolum obviously it isn't. Unfortunately, by the time my Tropaeolum azureum tubers bloomed, I was so busy with other things I didn't hand-pollinate, so I didn't get seed from that species, but I certainly will next year!! Diana Telos Rare Bulbs