Hippeastrum ID again

Angelo Porcelli ang.por@alice.it
Wed, 01 Jun 2005 06:51:52 PDT
Last year a friend brought back some Hippeastrum bulbs he found in his 
holidays in Mexico (Yucatan) and I got one. Now this year it has flowerd 
and I was very curious to see how it looked like. With a bit of 
disappointing, it is just the very same plant I found years ago around here
I suspect it is a pure species, because of its small size of the flowers, 
which are 12-14cm across, usually 2 or rarely 3 per scape. Anthers are 
purple before opening and it has no scent at all and there's a well visible 
red 'eye' at the base of tepals. It set seeds on its own and germinates 
easily too.
I would guess it was a puniceum, but all the photos I see are more orange 
than mine. Any idea?

best regards
Angelo Porcelli

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