Tecophilea repot/ pot size also aril/arilbred iris

Dennis Kramb dkramb@badbear.com
Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:58:07 PDT
>On another potting issue, I am forced to pot up a small collection of aril
>and arilbred iris for transfer to another garden next spring.  I have started
>removing them from the outside sand bed and dividing and cleaning, dusting 
>sulphur and potting in a well drained soilless mix but with the rhizome or
>bulbous bits in coarse sand.  I haven't quite figured out where to keep them,
>sunny frame, dry under a greenhouse bench, dry on the benches, plunged 
>back into
>the sand bed.  Any comments or advice would be welcome.

If you mean for the short term, then on the benches is fine.  If you mean 
over winter, then definitely plunged back into the sand bed.  Freeze/thaw 
cycles can be deadly for aril & arilbred irises.

Dennis in Cincinnati

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