Tecophilea repot/ pot size also aril/arilbred iris

IntarsiaCo@aol.com IntarsiaCo@aol.com
Tue, 26 Jul 2005 15:50:58 PDT
In a message dated 7/26/2005 5:52:59 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
john@johnlonsdale.net writes:
Flying in the face of expert advice I recommend under-potting bulbs, at
least smaller bulbs of the 'alpine' persuasion

I thought that I underpotted the minor bulbs until Ian Young's recent 
lectures in the US.  He crowds them in, cheek to jowl.  But he repots every year and 
I tend to skip a season.  How often do you repot, John?

On another potting issue, I am forced to pot up a small collection of aril 
and arilbred iris for transfer to another garden next spring.  I have started 
removing them from the outside sand bed and dividing and cleaning, dusting with 
sulphur and potting in a well drained soilless mix but with the rhizome or 
bulbous bits in coarse sand.  I haven't quite figured out where to keep them, 
sunny frame, dry under a greenhouse bench, dry on the benches, plunged back into 
the sand bed.  Any comments or advice would be welcome.

Mark Mazer
Intarsia Ltd.
Gaylordsville, Connecticut 06755-0142

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