As the east coast suffers in the cold and with bit of snow, there is a ray of hope. The Manhattan Chapter of the North American Rock Garden Society invites you to attend the '06 Eastern Winter Study Weekend. It will be held January 27-29 at the elegant New York Marriott Hotel East Side in midtown Manhattan. "A Master Class in Rock Gardening" offers six world-class speakers: Robert Rolfe, Beryl and Peter Bland, John Lonsdale, Rick Lupp and Abbie Zabar covering topics from "growing and showing", "frits, junos and daphnes" to "the shape of things" and more. We will have a judged plant show, a silent and live auction of rare plants and books, members' slide sharing, plus numerous plant and trough vendors. The exceptional room rate of $119 is still available but will be closed-out on January 12 (or earlier if all the rooms are booked) so call for reservations at 1-800-228-9290 or go to and specify the North American Rock Garden Society. To register contact Jacques Mommens, PO Box 67, Millwood, NY 10546 (914-762-2948) or Arnold