Hi, I've noticed C. bulbispermum is fairly promiscuous, in terms of accepting pollen. This discussion has been helpful to reinforce that idea. I do wonder about pollination attempts that don't work. Is C. bulbispermum as good as it gets in terms of accepting pollen? For instance, if pollen fails on C. bulbispermum, does it mean that the pollen was probably at fault? I've tried pollen from two slightly-different 'Ellen Bosanquet'-like pass-along plants. They don't set seeds on their own, and they don't seem to accept pollen from any other source. So, I tried their pollen on C. bulbispermum. C. bulbispermum doesn't set seed with their pollen; likewise, C. bulbispermum did not accept pollen from Crinum x 'Bradley'. Is there such a thing as a "reliable" acceptor of Crinum pollen? Such a plant would be a "gold standard." If it didn't accept pollen you could assume that the pollen was not going to be accepted by most other Crinum. If anyone has information about Crinum pollen and pollen acceptors, I'd enjoy hearing about your experiences. I wonder if there is a reference source somewhere. Cordially, Joe Conroe TX, zone 9