Crinum Pt Claire

Kenneth Hixson
Sat, 17 Jan 2004 23:29:48 PST
Hi, David
>Appears to be a large Powellii hybrid but this will be confirmed in a few
weeks if seed sets or not.

	Please excuse my ignorance, but Crinum is one thing I'm trying to
learn more about.  The Powellii hybrids are one of the things that will
stand our cold winters, but it would be better if more could be hybridized.
I know the cross has been repeated by many growers, and several powellii
hybrids introduced, with usually a limited distribution.  Being able to
raise advanced generations would be a major plus.  I have read somewhere 
that a very limited number of advanced generation seedlings have been
Is this correct?  From your statement above it appears that you do not expect 
to get seed?
	Crinum that can withstand (USDA) Zone 7 winters is my goal, 
preferably not just C. bulbispermum.  Further comment would be appreciated.
	Ken Z7 western Oregon

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