I just finished reading the Dichelostemma thread which ran last year. And that got me thinking about these plants and reminded me that I have a long-unanswered question to ask about them. Grey's Hardy Bulbs (c. 1938) describes a Brevoortia venusta in this way: "...venusta, Greene. Known only in the Mendocino Range. Very similar in habit to B. Ida-Maia, but the flowers are rose-purple; the tube constricted above; the staminodes pink, overtopping the anthers. Mr. Purdy suggests that it may be a hybrid between B. Ida-Maia and Brodiaea congesta. It is not in cultivation." Does anyone know if there is a connection between this Brevoortia venusta and the plant we grow as Pink Diamond? Jim McKenney jimmckenney@starpower.net