Another favorite yellow-flowered bulb

Jim McKenney
Wed, 21 Jan 2004 13:05:20 PST
At 02:29 PM 1/21/2004 -0600, you wrote:
>>Dear all;
>	Wish Jim McKenney would give his location when wishing for hardy bulbs.
>Actually wish all would give location every time they say "here'!

Sorry, Jim and others, I omitted my "signature" with that posting. 

I'm in zone 7, just north of Washington, D.C. -as my prior postings have

And thanks for pointing out that there are hardy yellow Lycoris for cold
areas. Actually, I knew about L. chinensis, and I've grown and flowered the
"garden center yellow" Lycoris. It's not hardy here. This I assume is L.
traubii, but I've never been sure. How are L. aurea and L. traubii different?

I recall an article written by Caldwell many years ago in which he
mentioned a yellow flowered Chinese Lycoris he saw in a Tennessee garden.
Is this the plant which came to be known as L. caldwellii? 

Can you suggest sources for any of these?


Jim McKenney
Montgomery County, Maryland, zone 7, just north of Washington,D.C.

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