Having already "introduced" myself by replying hastily to Arnold T.'s welcome without noticing that I was posting to the entire list, I will now try to do better! I live and garden in upstate New York (USA), a USDA zone 5 area lying in Lake Ontario's snow belt. We average around 10ft/3m of snow annually; right now, we have around 18" on the ground, and the thermometer reads -9F. I own a nursery (Seneca Hill Perennials), and grow a wide range of things. Among the geophytes are arisaemas, arums, cyclamen, and assorted South Africans whose hardiness I have been testing (and I'm not sure I expect to see them again after this winter, though many have done fine in the open garden for 4 or 5 years now). The latter include Eucomis (autumnalis, bicolor, montana), Dierama (pauciflorum, dracomontanum, trichorrhizum), Gladiolus (oppositiflorus subsp. salmoneus, saundersii, a couple of old dalenii hybrids), and one lone Moraea huttonii (which survived last winter just fine). I also have a pretty full complement of higher-altitude kniphofia species, but though Silverhill lists them with the bulbous plants, they aren't, really. I've been meaning to join this list for a long time, and am glad to have finally done so. With luck I'll now manage to fill out my PBS membership and get it in the mail. What else can you do when it's -9F outside? Ellen Hornig Seneca Hill Perennials Oswego, New York USA USDA zone 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------- mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web.com/ .