5 Favorite Yellow Flowered Bulbs--TOW

Antennaria@aol.com Antennaria@aol.com
Wed, 21 Jan 2004 20:44:01 PST
I'm surprised to here that yellow flowers are unpopular, as flower color 
goes.  My favorite color in plants, has always been "soft yellow"... I'm a sucker 
for it.  I like bright golden yellow too, but it's those luminous soft yellow 
tones that really get me... as in the famous Coreopsis virticillata 'Moonbeam'.

My favorite "soft" yellow flowered bulbs:

1.  Allium flavum ssp. tauricum
It's interesting to start with the July-flowering Allium flavum, with it's 
showers of little yellow bells, but ssp. tauricum is infinitely variable and 
deviates from the pure yellow theme into softer pastel tones... typically light 
yellow suffused with another color.  Of the vast array of colors that I've 
selected in my gardens over the past decade and a half, I do love one called 
'Lemon Coolor'... a luminous ultra-pale lemon yellow.  There are two photos of this 
beauty at:

2.  Nothoscordum montividense
This is a charming, thread-leaf miniature species, with oodles of tiny 
yellow, sweetly scented "star-cups" on stems 2"-6" tall (5 - 15 cm).

3.  Narcissus 'Pipit'
This very late blooming Narcissus has an abundance of ethereal pale yellow 
and white flowers, along with a strong perfume.  I keep planting more bulbs of 
this every year.

4.  Crocus chrysanthus 'Advance' 
Along with this cultivar and other forms of C. "chrysanthus", they are pure 
delight for admirers of crocus.  The cultivar 'Advance' is enchanting... a 
gracious soft yellow flower, deeper colored at the center, but palest lilac on the 
three outer tepals.  The pastel combination of pale yellow and lilac is hard 
to resist.

5.  Tulipa batalinii 'Bronze Charm'
This is a most elegant dwarf Tulip species, with lily-flowered blooms in pure 
creamy yellow delicately tinged with bronzy tones.  All forms of batalinii 
are fantastic, but I do admire the recurved lily-like blooms on this diminutive 
tulipa selection.

Mark McDonough Pepperell, Massachusetts, United States 
antennaria@aol.com "New England" USDA Zone 5
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