TOW - F&W Alstromeria germination

David Victor
Sun, 18 Jan 2004 03:42:22 PST
Another follow-up on Diane's piece.

I had a look at my Flores & Watson seedlings this morning to see how 
germination is going.

I started all of them in gentle heat and then those that showed no sign of 
germinating were transferrred to sitting in a cold greenhouse, which has 
been about freezing inside over the past few days.

Early and heavy germinators from the warm period were:

9582 A. diluta subsp. chrysantha yellow form
9575    A. hookeri subsp. cummingiana
9604 A. pulchra subsp. pulchra
9585 A. werdermannii var. werdermannii

10560 A. paupercula

Some have shown only the odd seedling:

9758 A. hookeri subsp. maculata
10575 A. phillipiana

Ones that have not as yet germinated and are being given a cool period are:

9558 A. diluta subsp chrysantha pink form
9551    A. crispata
9531 A. magnifica subsp. maxima
9550 A. leporino
9701 A. spathulata

10746 A. ligtu subsp. ligtu
10747 A. revoluta

Sadly, I didn't keep records of how long they took to germinate.  However, 
most of them showed an early seedling and then, after a couple of further 
weeks, several germinated at once.

Interestingly, the four figure collections starting with a "9" were all 
2001 collections that I purchased this year.  They seem to show no serious 
deterioration over the intervening period and no significant difference in 
germination to this year's collections.

I'm also growing several other sets purchased from Jim Archibald, 
Plantworld and Chiltern, but all of those have been set very recently, so 
no data to date.  A number of the Chiltern ones are wild collected and some 
of both Jim's and Plantworld's were originally.  I guess that both of the 
latter may well have hybridised over the couple of years in cultivation.

Best regards,
David Victor 

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