Leucojum vernum in CT and NJ

Judy Glattstein jglatt@ptd.net
Fri, 17 Dec 2004 10:31:26 PST
I got my start of Leucojum vernum from a friend in Wilton CT when we lived
there. Strolling into her garden to see her "snowdrops" I was delighted to
see that they were snowflakes, planted by some previous owner. We dug some
then and there, in bloom, and I replanted them within hours. They did just
fine in my oak woodland. I took some to NJ and planted them on the
moderately high bank - meter or so above the bed of the drainage creek and
they have continued to thrive.

The soil is acid, and clay loam. I think moisture makes the difference.
bulbs do not appear to re-seed but over the last nine years they are bulking
up through offsets.

They bloom in spring about the same time as Galanthus nivalis, the
green-tipped white bells making a nice partner for Helleborus niger.

Judy Glattstein in New Jersey, where winter's iron grip and 16° Fahrenheit
mornings have slammed the door on autumn.

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