
Robert Hamilton roberth6@mac.com
Wed, 08 Dec 2004 03:00:39 PST
Hi  all,

Thanks  to  Cameron  for the introduction to  this  genus  which 
fascinates  me.

Here in  Australia  Haemanthus  coccinea  and  albiflos  are  
reasonably  common. The  former  is  an  easy  garden  plant  but I  
find  the  latter  sensitive  to  frost  in my  climate. I am  hoping 
some  seed grown  plants  I  have coming on  will  be  more  hardy.

While  I  havent  yet  grow  any  to  flowering size H carneus  , 
humilis and  montanus grow  well for  me under shadecloth. In contrast  
to its  short  growing season  in its  native enviroment I find  H 
montanus   is  in leaf  for about  10 months of the  year , loosing  
leaves in early spring and   reshooting in late spring.

Haemanthus  amarylliodes   for  me  does not  behave in line  with its  
winter rainfall origin.  Seeds   (of  var  amarylloides)  sown in 
August  2001  germinated  well , the  sulked through  2002  to  return 
in early  summer (December )  2003 when  leaves  grew through  to  late 
  autumn.   Once again  the  first  leaf  shoot has  appeared  on the 
past  few  days.  The  problem  is  to  water  or  not to  water  as it 
  is  now  getting quite  dry here,  at  least in pots.

Any  suggestions  ?


Rob in Tasmania
Zone  9  equivalent

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