Phycella not

Lee Poulsen
Sun, 19 Dec 2004 23:49:26 PST
On Dec 19, 2004, at 3:48 PM, Alberto Castillo wrote:
> Dear Matt, Mary Sue, Lee:
> Of course these Phycellas look so alike Cyrtanthus!! They are 
> Cyrtanthi and not Phycella at all!!! I think it was  Cathy who sent an 
> image of a fine bouquet of Rhodophialas in several colors that were 
> sold as Phycella by the Dutch last year.
> Best
> Alberto

Sorry, I haven't had time to write before now. I thought I had 
forwarded Alberto's determination that those were Cyrtanthus hybrids of 
some kind back when I uploaded that photo. Maybe I planned on doing so 
and never got around to it but thought I had. When I saw Matt's photos, 
they looked just like the purported "Phycella" of mine (which by the 
way is now reblooming even thought we had quite the unseasonably chilly 
weather for this area for a couple of weeks  recently. (Now we're 
having this really nice unseasonably warm weather in the upper 
70s/lower 80s (mid-20's C.).)
What's weird is that the photo I uploaded of the Cyrtanthus elatus 
hybrid I got at that IBS symposium Matt mentioned looks quite 
different. For one thing, the flowers are much smaller. The "Phycella" 
Cyrtanthus are about the size of C. falcatus flowers.

The photo Alberto referred to above is the picture that was used in the 
catalog that I ordered from. So even though they used false advertising 
both in print and in picture, the bulbs I got are quite nice 
nevertheless. (Although I still would love to get my hands on some 
Phycella bulbs...or even the Rhodophialas in the photograph!)

--Lee Poulsen
Pasadena area, California, USDA Zone 9-10

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