New picture on the WIKI

Douglas Westfall
Thu, 25 Sep 2003 08:22:24 PDT
Paul TyermanDoug Westfall Claiborne Dr. Long
Beach, CA

> At 09:40  24/09/03 -0700, you wrote:
>> For all of you Haemanthaphiles, I have placed a picture of Haemanthus
>> crispus which is blooming for me - my first in 12 years of "ownership."
> Doug,
> Nice.  Is it as elongated as appears in the photo?  What are the leaves on
> this species like?

Yes, the pic came out rather accurately.  The leaves on some are undulate
and on others, they are not - seems individual by bulb. The leaves are never
over 1 cm in width.
> Great pic of a flower that I find is often hard to photograph clearly,
> particularly when trying to photograph the whole stem and flowerhead.



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