TOW: Shy bloomers.

Marguerite English
Sun, 14 Sep 2003 21:30:37 PDT
    I am introducing the Topic of the Week in Mary Sue's absence.  This week's
topic was also suggested by Robert Parker.   It is:  Have you ever grown a 
bulb that has a reputation as a shy bloomer that blooms reliably for you 
every year and sometimes twice a year. Tell us about your plant and what 
you have done to get it to flower.

    I purchased a Crinum 'Ellen Bosanquet' several years ago, thinking it 
wouldn't do well because of my cold winters.  I placed it in a very large 
pot in the greenhouse.  It immediately grew too big to live in that pot and 
did not bloom the first year, so I moved it to an outside planter bed.  I 
assumed it was a goner, and wouldn't survive my cold winters!   Other than 
giving the bed a dose of potassium when I started it, and sprinkling a 
little bulb booster over the Crinum roots sometime in the fall, I do 
nothing special for it.    Well it has grown to cover 1/3 of an 8x12 bed 
and has bloomed every year!

Marguerite English,
Vice President, Advertising Chairperson
Pacific Bulb Society

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