Hi all, Let me add today's 2 cents' worth of surprising survival. I saw a bit of bright red out beside the greenhouse where a lot of Chinese Lycoris species are growing. Planted in August, 1998, a small group of Lycoris radiata pumila have sent up a scape and are blooming! I had long since given them up for dead. The only other Lycoris still in bloom there are in a clump of L. caldwellii. I was at first amazed at how well Sternbergia lutea survives outdoors here; now of course I expect it to. Our expectations can be mis-directed by the poor quality of plant materials sometimes sold by large commercial outfits. I was convinced Corydalis solida and Fritillaria meleagris were not growable here in central Indiana, until Nina Lambert dug some fresh bulbs from her garden in Upstate New York and sent them to me. What a difference! They did very well here. Later I got very good quality stock of Corydalis solida 'G.P. Baker' and 'Beth Evans' from Don Hachenberry and from Gene Bush. Now I'm trying to spread them around here so I can build up my stock of them, too. Finally, after growing Brodiaea coronaria in a pot in the greenhouse and getting very little bloom, and grumbling because I did not think it worth the precious greenhouse benchtop space it took up, I planted the whole potful out in the rock garden in summer 2002. This summer, they bloomed abundantly! Whoever convinced me that B. coronaria was too tender for Indiana was apparently wrong. These bulbs were grown from seed from Ron Ratko, collected in the wild, his #NNS 97-37. Maybe Ron collected these seeds from a harsher, wetter locality than the usual California types grow in. Regards to all, Jim Shields in central Indiana ************************************************* Jim Shields USDA Zone 5 Shields Gardens, Ltd. P.O. Box 92 WWW: http://www.shieldsgardens.com/ Westfield, Indiana 46074, USA Tel. ++1-317-867-3344 or toll-free 1-866-449-3344 in USA Member of INTERNATIONAL CLIVIA CO-OP