Tue, 16 Sep 2003 14:50:31 PDT
I have just dug up many bulblets from some bluebells I planted about 4 years 
ago.  I am embarrassed to say I don't really know what they are.  I should 
have tried to figure that out when they were in bloom.  I got them at a site 
where a house was being demolished to build a new one.  The owner told us they 
were bluebells and I could have all I could dig up in 1 hour before the tractors 
tore everything out.  My husband and I got just about every one and planted 
them.  They are very pretty a medium blue, grow well in Northern Calif, have no 
summer watering, bloom in early spring.
Would there be any interest in them if I sent them to the bulb exchange?
Carolyn in Los Gatos

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